Poetry Beats Violence!
International Women\'s Poetry Festival
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Domenico Pisana (Italy)
Born in Modica in 1958, is the founder and President of the Literary Café Quasimodo, a circle that has been operating for a decade in his city for the cultural, poetic and literary development of the Hyblaean territory.
After graduating in Theology, he obtained a Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Alphonsian Academy of the Lateran University in Rome, as well as a Master’s Degree in School Management. He is a journalist since 1985 and Director of the online newspaper www.radiortm.it.
He has published: 9 volumes of poetry, 6 books of literary criticism, among which the essay on Quasimodo Quel Nobel from the South stands out – Salvatore Quasimodo between glory and oblivion in 2006, 11 texts of a theological and ethical nature, among which stands out the volume, published by San Paolo, On your word I will cast the networks (1999), fully translated into Polish and Spanish, 3 volumes of a historical-political nature.
Domenico Pisana’s poetry has been the subject of international interest. “Il Giornale Italiano de Espana” dealt with him; the online newspaper “L ‘ItaloEuropeo Independent” in London interviewed him as “character of the month”, and the French literary magazine “La Voce” published an interview by journalist Daniela Cecchini. His poems, articles and prefaces of works by Italian authors have been translated into English, Greek, French, Macedonian, Arabic, Spanish, Polish and Romanian.
He has received prizes and literary awards, including:
– “Velino” International Literary Award, conferred on 15 May 1982 for the section “Literature for children, Criticism and Journalism”;
– Special mention for poetry, conferred in Milan on 5 April 1987 at the Sala del Grechetto in Palazzo Sormani;
– Special mention for the social theme, conferred by the Study Center for Research and Documentation of Italian Poetry of the 20th Century “Carlo Capodieci” at the Teatro Quirino in Rome on 23 May 1987;
– Prize for poetry Giacomo Leopardi, awarded by the Academy of Bronzes of Catanzaro on March 26, 1988;
– 3rd International Katana Prize for Literary Criticism, conferred by the Contemporary Poetry Research Center of Catania on October 29th 1988;
– Silver Medal for the enhancement of art and culture, conferred by the Italian Academy “Gli Etruschi” of Vada (Livorno) on 6 November 1988;
– City of Alanno Award, for literary criticism, in 1988;
– Honorable mention at the Bontempelli-Marinetti Award for literary criticism, in 1989;
– Regional Award for Solidarity and Friendship (VI Edition) for the commitment in literary and theological research and in the promotion of solidarity, conferred on June 16th 2002 by the Pro Loco and the University of the third age of Modica;
– Special prize for essays, conferred in Palermo on November 15, 2008 by the Sicilian Association for Letters and Arts, on the occasion of the International Art and Poetry Conference 2003, held on the 40th anniversary of the association’s foundation;
– Gold medal of the “Modicanità Award”, conferred in September 2006 by the Municipal Administration and the Pro Loco of Modica;
– “Capital of Culture” award for the commitment to promote the Iblei’s culture and poetic expression “, conferred on Comiso on 15 December 2015;
– “Premio Federico Federico II” to culture for its publications and cultural activities, awarded to Rosolini (Siracusa) on November 27th 2016;
– “European FARFA Award” for culture and the territory 2017, conferred on Pozzallo by the International Association of Literary Critics on 21 January 2017;
– Prize for the “Magister vitae” culture awarded to him in San Vito Lo Capo (Trapani) on 2 September 2017.
On June 23, 2018 he received the nomination of Honorary Member of the Cultural Association “Euterpre” of IESI for his high merits in the literary field, religious exegesis, and his tireless promotion and cultural dissemination activities at local and national level.
On 11 May 2019 he received the nomination of Honorary Member and Ambassador of Culture from the Popular University of Palermo “For the tireless promotion and dissemination of Culture in the different areas of Knowledge. For the precious contribution offered to the community as poet, writer, intellectual, theologian, event organizer and President of the literary salon “Salvatore Quasimodo. For the commitment also of a sociological-communicative type that has reached levels of international fame over time “.
In the dreamy home of the Muse, Editrice EDI, Modica, 1985.
And the time will come …, Edizioni Cultural Association Dialogo, Modica, 1988.
Beyond the silence of the Word, Vincenzo Ursini Editore, Catanzaro, 1990.
Looking at Lembi di cielo, Adierre Editrice, 1993.
Terre di Rinascita, Itinerarium Editrice, Modica 1997.
Canto dal Mediterraneo, Ismeca, Bologna, 2008.
Between shipwreck and hope, Europe E conditions, Rome, 2014.
Listen to the twelve lands. The wind, strings, from the Iblei, bilingual (Italian-English), Armando Siciliano, Messina, 2016.
Literature and literary criticism
Poetry in the Ibleis. Reading of poets from the Ragusa area Editrice Setim, Modica, 1990.
Poetry and Theology in a literature of humanity, Libroitaliano, Ragusa, 1995 Saverio Saluzzi and his poetry of “Tramonto”. Itinerarium Editrice, Modica, 1996.
Critical paths. Reading by contemporary authors: Quasimodo, Montale,
Goffis, Lauretta, Musumarra, Saluzzi, Savoca, Barberi Squarotti, Trombatore, Edizioni Pagine, Rome, 2001.
That Nobel from the South. Salvatore Quasimodo between glory and oblivion, Edi Argo 2006.
Landscapes of the soul in the poetry of Salvatore Puma, Albalibri, Livorno, 2011.
Literary characters of the Iblei 1839-1925. Profiles and texts, Periferie Edizioni, 2018.
Theology and ethics
The father, the friend, the brother. Monsignor Giuseppe Rizza, Edi EDI, Modica, 1986.
The ethics of the Sicilian family between past and present. Features of culture, faith, spirituality, Libroitaliano, Ragusa, 1994.
Ethical and social horizons in the teaching of Bishop Mons. G. Blandini, Adierre Editrice, Modica, 1994.
Evangelization and catechesis in the episcopate of Mons. Salvatore Nicolosi, Itinerarium Editrice, Modica, 1997.
The sanctuary family of life, Itinerarium Editrice, Modica, 1998.
On your word I will cast the networks, Edizioni San Paolo, Milan, 1997.
Bioethics themes, introduction and conclusions of the volume by Mario Cascone, SEI, Turin, 1996.
On the slopes of Horeb, Rinnovamento nel Spirito editions, Rome, 2003.
For an educational and supportive city, Itinerarium Editrice, 2003.
Go and do the same, Edizioni del Rinnovamento, Rome, 2005.
History and politics
Waiting for the policy. Interview book by Luisa Montu, Adierre, 2005.
Modica in thirty years. History paths of a city on the move, Genius Loci Editrice, Ragusa, 2010.
Indignation and double standards in Berlusconi’s Italy, Petralia Editore, Modica, 2011.
Teaching (edited by)
-The new school identity 10 years after the introduction of school autonomy: ‘teaching of the Catholic religion between changes, experiments and educational emergencies, Acts of the interregional course of religion teachers in Northern Italy, Verona, Adierre, 2010.
-The professional identity of the teacher of religion between quality and flexibility of teaching, confessionality and secularism, Proceedings of the course of updating of the
teachers of religion in central Italy, Pisa, Adierre, 2010.
-The contribution and specific role of the IRC in the design of the education and training system, Proceedings of the refresher course for religion teachers
of Southern Italy, Lecce, Adierre, 2010.
– Programming and methodology of the IRC for an effective educational action in the
school, Proceedings of the refresher course for religious teachers in Sicily and Sardinia, Catania, Adierre, 2010.
– The IRC in the face of bullying and youth distress: for an educational strategy, Proceedings of the interregional course for the updating of northern Italy, Treviso, Adierre, 2011.
-The educational look in the educational process of the IRC, Proceedings of the national course for teachers of religion of the primary and primary schools, Salerno, Adierre, 2011.
– For a motivated teaching activity: The IRC between education, training, relational skills and communication skills, Proceedings of the interregional refresher course for teachers of religion in Northern Italy, Mantova, Adierre, 2011.
– Being teachers in the school of autonomy. Conducting the class group at religion time, Proceedings of the regional refresher course for religious teachers in Sardinia, Sassari, Adierre, 2011.
– Religion teaching and skills assessment, Proceedings of the interregional refresher course for teachers of religion in central Italy, Pisa, Adierre, 2011.
– For a citizenship education. The teaching of the Catholic religion as a “space of meaning”, Proceedings of the interregional refresher course for the teachers of religion in Southern Italy, Caserta, Adierre, 2011.
– Teaching of religion, art and the web, Proceedings of the interregional refresher course for teachers of religion in the primary and primary schools of central Italy, Rome, Adierre, 2011.
– Teaching of religion and use of information and multimedia technologies in teaching, Proceedings of the regional refresher course for teachers of religion in Sicily, Palermo, Adierre, 2011.
– For a culture of solidarity. Dreams and desires change the world, Proceedings of the national conference to update religion teachers, Palermo Adierre, 2011.
– The teaching of religion and the educational relationship, Proceedings of the interregional course of updating of the teachers of religion of central Italy, Pisa Adierre, 2013.
Pisana works fully translated into Polish, Spanish, Romanian and English.
Na twojw slowa zarzuce sieci, Polish edition 1999, 4K PHUP Sp.z.o.o., Bytom, Poland, 1999.
In you palabra echaré las redes, San Pablo, Santafe De Bogota, D.C., 1999. Acel Nobel venit din South. Salvatore Quasimodo in other glimpses of the earth, Iunimea, Iasi, Bucharest, 2011.
Odes tho the twelve lands. A stringed wind from the Ibleans, Armando Siciliano Editore, Messina, 2016.
I’m lost; the breath
of women fades away
and the damping distance makes me relax.
I don’t know this beating heart:
a trembling planet of beauty and fierce
crumbles down and gets into me. The time
of violence, fragile with words, won’t
sing the song of the dead; the voice quiets down
in ravished assonances:
silk hands almost touch each other
in the heart of resurrection.
Neither a day, nor a night of words
suspended in the air, nor a backlash
of ancient battles; only the wind
of mutual glances bends to the secret
of the fibers and smooths the soul
to the charm of hope.
Truthful syllables cut off dry branches:
in agora dances the women redeem
from tragedies, push the moon like innocent
wind, unveil their longing for being there,
a longing transpiring into the mist. The dates
enervate us, shuffle creased rituals;
maybe persistence, maybe beauty remains,
the tale of a day in chiaroscuro.
Lift me up
on eagle’s wings
let me bring back the stolen humanism
to the heart of faces full of anger,
let me donate thornless roses, let me build
threads of hope with hands full of light
and let me give the eyes a smile of dreams.
Raise me up on abandoned islands in the sea of solitude
let me hoist unshakeable and colored bridges,
let me travel the sea of the disfigured beauty
and embrace the bow throwing prophecies
of peace towards tomorrow.
Someone says that the earth is strong in its thrones,
in its dominations, in the power of its words
cutting the truth; someone else says that heaven’s
voice isn’t loud enough to comfort misery and change
the luck of souls hard as boulders. I think the sun
comes from the love burning the straw
of indifference, peace comes from urns of justice
drawing the union of people on their way.
Let nobody allow the enemy
to steal humanity, the glance of the sunrise
distinguishing ruin from triumph, the wisdom
which doesn’t lose its mind, the trust enrooted
in the courage donating Infinity as it walks
in the footsteps of our finitude.